Monday, June 16, 2014

I Tried

I faced my fear and headed to Chedner's to take the boys to Kokoye. 

 Except the trip didn't happen.  


I thought I'd made arrangements to meet the boys at 11:00.  Well, when I arrived only two of them were there, and only one seemed to know about our plans.  The other boys were at school.  I didn't even know that the boys went to school!  It took one of them about 20 minutes to explain to me that the boys were at school and wouldn't be back until after lunch.  Already I was feeling very insecure about my Creole.  I hung around for about 45 minutes and then said I would be back around 1:00.

At 1:00 I headed back over, and this time there were about 4 boys there (I needed 6 of them).  None of them seemed overly anxious to get going, so I patiently waited.  I figured, "This is Haiti.  Nothing happens on time."  While I waited, I talked with the younger kids.  Again, I was reminded just how bad my Creole is. Pretty much felt like an idiot, not being able to understand children.

As hungry as growing teenage boys can be, I guess a free lunch doesn't compare to a World Cup soccer match.  Yes, I was ditched by all the boys because they wanted to watch the soccer match instead.

Oh, well.

I tried.

But, I did have some fun with the younger kids!  And, I got some great pictures.

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