Visa Lodge pool |
Finally! Yes, I actually got to drive my motorcycle on the roads today. After a month of waiting, it finally happened. There were a few glitches . . . like my stalling the motorcycle multiple times in the middle of the "blokis" (Creole for "traffic jam"). But, for the most part, no problems. I felt safe. I felt in control. I just didn't like trying to navigate through the traffic jams. I'm glad that Roberto came with me so that I could have him drive through the last "blokis" close to home!
Haiti Hatt Lounge |
Rhonda is back! Whoo hoo! It is so good to have a friend back in Haiti with me. We have lots planned for the 10 days she is here; some of it the same as before (working with the kids on therapy, going to the horses), but we also have some new stuff on the agenda. We plan to visit the Sugar Cane Museum and go out to the memorial for the victims of the earthquake. Hopefully we'll be able to get around some on the motorcycle.
This morning I visited a number of hotels with Gertrude as she looked for places to sell some purses/bags/wallets that a friend of hers made. I still marvel that behind some of these worn looking gates are these little glimpses of paradise. I just wish they were more available to the average Haitian and not just foreigners.
Maxo's Turn
Jackie's Haircut
Yesterday was haircut day for all the boys. They all got their heads shaved whether they needed it or not! I think it's their summer look to help them stay cool.
In addition to getting a look at some hotels not far from the airport (and not far from the guesthouse/orphanage), we stopped at the Rebo Cafe. It just opened last September and sells Rebo coffee. Rebo coffee is a Haitian coffee, and coffee drinkers say that it is excellent. Not being a coffee drinker myself, I couldn't tell you. The Rebo distributor started this cute little cafe across from its main plant. It's like walking into a Caribou in the States. It will be a great place for visitors to go for a bit of relaxation.
Rebo Cafe
Rebo Lounge |
Missing you guys....