Saturday, February 9, 2013

Horse Therapy

Paco and me

I had a great day and have great ideas for new therapy activities.  Our first stop was an equestrian center about 15 minutes from the orphanage.  It is absolutely beautiful, and they do therapy with handicapped kids regularly.  I am going to go back next Thursday to watch a group called Wings of Hope who brings handicapped kids every week.  I want to see how it works, what type of child they bring, what the adult to child ratio is, etc.  Oh.  And I have to determine the cost per child.  My plan then is to bring four kids back the following week (2/21) for a therapy session!  The first one is free to see how the children respond, and then the others need to be paid for.  Fundraising for that therapy will become a new goal of mine.  I really want to see some of the kids benefit from such a great opportunity that is so close!

Krezi Horse Cafe
My friend Karen (and a horse)

The next stop was the La Plaza Hotel.  We wanted to talk with the manager there about using the hotel’s swimming pool for water therapy.  The trick will be whether they let us use the pool for free.  If they won’t, I want to check out the Methodist guest because I know they have a pool.  I just don’t know how deep it is or whether it has stairs going down into it.  And, of course, the child to adult ratio is also key.  We need to have a 1-1 ratio, and I don’t know whether the orphanage can spare that many staff members at one time. 
So, please pray for funding and staffing for both these activities.  The kids would benefit from both, and they desperately need consistent access to these types of therapies. 
An update on my health—I am feeling much better, though I did get a headache today.  But, I think that was from riding in the car over BUMPY roads in downtown Port-au-Prince.  It’s been good to get out and see different parts of the city the last few days, but I miss being here working with kids.  One, I just miss them (and I think they miss me.  When I show up, they smile).  Two, they need consistent attention. 
I’m going to try to get to church tomorrow.  The kids leave for church at 7:15, which means I should be able to go with them if I wake up in time.  I just need to not be lazy and get up right away instead of lying in bed.  So, hopefully tomorrow night I can write about attending a church service in Haiti! 


  1. Hi Jamie! You have heat - we have rain - and a leaky roof at church. Groan. But not 24" of snow..crazy weather this year. Regarding raising money for the horse riding for the children - how can we help with this? Send $$ where? And we hope you're still feeling better and better. D&L

  2. Jamie its unbelievable what you were able to accomplish while you were here. The equestrian program continues and the kids do better and better everyweek. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Haiti. All our love, Elizabeth
