It seems a bit anti-climactic to write this blog now—three days
after my first day at the Haiti Center for Inclusive Education—but Hurricane
Irma got in the way.
September 4, was the first day of school for Haitian schools. I couldn’t be present at the Haiti Center for
Inclusive Education because I need the paying gig at Morning Star. However, I was up early and ready to go on
Tuesday the 5th for my first day at the Center. I arrived at 8:00, thinking I would be the
first (as a boss should be), but no—the teachers were already there! Good for them.
We have 50
children enrolled now, and I thought I would see little kids running around and
playing. Nope. I’d say only about 30 kids showed up; not
sure whether that was due to not having uniforms ready or what, but we certainly
did not have full house. And, most of
the pre-school kids were crying. One
poor little cried all day, except when she was eating her snack of cold French fries
and a cold hot dog (more on snacks later!).
Pretty much the only kids who played were the kids from Notre Maison,
and that was because they’d been to the Center for summer camp and because they
know each other.
I took a walk
into the station room thinking kids might be playing with some of the
toys. Nope. More crying kids and no one sure what to
do. Some of the kids had grabbed a
MatchBox car or two, but they weren’t playing with them; they holding onto them
as if they were life lines! Shoulda
heard the wailing when we had to take the cars away and go outside for the
raising of the flag and the singing of the national anthem (Monter le
Kindergarten class |
I have
never worked with little kids, but I wasn’t totally surprised by the
crying. I was more surprised by how long
they could cry and easily it was to get them started again once they had
Mixed grade room |
I had
visions of how the school day would go, and pretty much none of it happened!
The schedule that Gertrude and I put together and that the teachers modified so
did not work! Academic classes (some)
were too short. Rest time was too
long. Somehow kids never got outside to
play. The station room wasn’t used at all. Snacks were eaten in the classrooms, not the
cafeteria. We did not have enough
water. The multi-grade level room seemed
haphazard because neither of the administrators were sure what their
responsibilities were. They’d been told
that they would be teaching those kids, but nothing had been planned out for
So many
logistical things were overlooked in our planning. Like, no one told the teachers that we had
purchased a water pitcher for each room so that during snack the aide could go
fill up the pitcher and bring water back.
We did not designate which bathroom was for boys and which for girls (I
still haven’t purchased the signs, but we could have least told the
teachers!). We didn’t not figure on how
disruptive it would be for adults to be going through the pre-K room to get to
the storage rooms. I swear, every time I
went through the room, another kid would start crying (probably just after the
teachers had gotten her settled down!).
Add caption |
the other administrators, and I—failed to think of writing up some rules and
regulations for the kids to follow.
Like, you don’t go into another classroom unless the teacher has asked
you to. You don’t run in the hallway. You don’t enter the office area. You don’t throw rocks. You don’t walk around
So, the
year has not started as I thought it would, but that’s okay! It’s started.
Nothing that starts for the first time looks like it does on paper, and
there are always unforeseen needs/glitches.
And, Hurricane Irma certainly affected the start of the year—we only had
two days before we had to cancel school because of the weather!
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