I love being here. And I love the ideas that come up for all the great things that can happen here. I know a fair amount, but I don't know it all. Not even close. I read through the physical therapy reports for the kids, and there are five of them--Jean-Daniel, Maxo, Brilner, Sandra, and Gabrielle--whose therapy is to do as much interactive play as possible on their feet. Well, those kids aren't ready to interact with anyone, so I decided that those kids could start by going for walks through the neighborhood.
Jean-Daniel, Wilsly, and me |
I knew Maxo and Jean-Daniel would be good to go, especially Jean-Daniel. Maxo took a bit of coaxing, but once he got going he was great. Brilner didn't want to go, so I had some of the volunteers hold his hand (one for each hand). He did okay, but every time a car or moto or bicycle went by, he would plop down. Don't know why, but for some reason he was scared of the vehicles. We decided to take him back to the orphanage after a short bit, but when we got him back, he plopped down and cried.
I love Jean-Daniel's smile! |
We found shoes for Sandra who needs to walk or she will loose the ability to walk. The nannies keep her in a wheelchair most of the time because she seems to have pica (she eats everything). They can't keep an eye on her all the time, and if she wanders the compound by herself, we have no idea what she is eating: garbage, rocks, soap, etc. Well, we couldn't find good shoes for her, and they kept coming off, which bothered her. I learned that proper shoes are WAY important. These kids won't benefit from the walks if they don't have shoes that are comfortable. I don't want them to dread the walk because the shoes hurt or don't stay on their feet. I learned that Sandra needs one-on-one attention when she walks. There's no way she could be a part of a group walk.
Maxo and his escorts |
I used to take Brilner on walks before he could walk himself. I'd carry him down to the market for a treat or take him around the block. He loved those walks. Smiled all the time. I so wanted him to have that same enjoyment today. That didn't happen. Made me sad.
I had naively thought that the group that needed to go on walks would be an
easy easier therapy task. Yea, I was wrong. I will probably need to go on five walks a day around the block. But, before I can do that, I will need to search out shoes for each of the kids that fit, find a place to put them so that they are easily accessible, and tone down my expectations. I learned a lot today. About the kids. About their needs. About me. About what I know. And especially about what I don't know.
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