I don't always do well with days of rest. I quickly become bored and feel as if I should be doing something. Anything. Just not nothing.
Today was no different. I was up early to feed Nadia who decided that she was hungry at 5:20. Nadia is the 5-month-old baby who still needs more regular supervision than she would receive in the babies' room. She arrived at St. Joe's in mid-January weighing only 3 lbs. (she was a preemie). She then spent the next 3 1/2 months at God's Little Angels until she gained 5 more pounds. At 8 lbs. she was brought back here. I don't know what she weighs right now, but she looks like a healthy little girl! Anyway, I was up early to feed her (she sleeps in the room I share with Dixie).
"Baye" blanc--broken |
Since I was up, I decided to start cleaning the therapy room. I'd do little bit, stop, do a little bit more. At one point I was sweeping so vigorously that I broke the "baye blanc" (white person's broom). I then had to switch to the "baye Haitianne" (Haitian broom). I sorted some of the supplies left be the camp staff that was here, I organized the therapy toys, I took a break drank some water, etc. By this point it was only about 9:30. It was gonna be a long day!
$70's worth of container! |
However, I had the great idea to go the store to look for a storage container for the therapy toys and lotions. Aniel, the driver, was not around. But, Gertrude let me take the truck on my own! Woo hoo! I drove the grocery store and back, all by myself, without any problems! Yea me. I figure I could hire myself out as a driver if I ever decide to move here.
"Baye" Haitienne--not broken |
Now it was at least 11:30. What else to do? I put all the therapy stuff in the drawers of the container that I just purchased for
Amazing organization! |
Then I organized the diapers, underwear, vitamins, and wipes that the team left. I put all the jewelry beads in the volunteer closet. Now it was, what, 12:15? Seriously, a slow day.
Pretty good organization, heh? |
Last thing on the list was making plans to get the medical paperwork for Jameson, Edson, and Michael's visa appointment in the morning. Only God can make this happen: get the kids dropped off to school (which means getting a 15 year old up
before the crack of down), get Gabriel to the doctor's office in downtown PAP, have the doctor be on time (open at 7:00 a.m.), and get Gabriel to the U.S. embassy by 8:00. While all that is going on, my friend Robinson will be taking the boys and me straight to the embassy--we leave at 7:00. We should arrive on the time. We just have to pray that for the others everything goes according to schedule.
I'll let you know the results tomorrow night.
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