Saturday, May 25, 2013


Today is Saturday, so that I means I have my Creole lesson with Oriol.  He shared that the group I spoke with at his church a couple of weeks ago really liked my being there and wanted me to come again.  I was flattered and said that I would love to go back on my next trip to Haiti.

He stared at me.

He thought I was going home on JUNE 29, not May 29.  I thought he was going to start crying.  I felt so bad for the misunderstanding that I felt like crying.

Oriol has been such a blessing to me in so many ways: friend, tutor, explainer of all things Haitian.  I have come to really value his friendship, and I will miss seeing him every week.  He has decided to hire a tutor to help him prepare for the TOEFL test so that he can take it again and earn a better score.  His dream is still to come to the U.S. to study music and education so that he can become a teacher.  Please pray for him as he continues to work toward making this dream a reality.

Ironically, after saying good-bye to Oriol, just a couple of hours later I got to say hello to a friend that I haven't seen in 3 1/2 years!  Joanna Dohs (Thiele) came by to visit with her husband John.  I first met Joanna on my first mission trip to Haiti back in November of 2009.  She was one of the leaders of that trip, and we have stayed in touch via e-mail, phone conversations, and Facebook, but we haven't actually seen each other since that trip.  It was great to meet her husband and catch up on so much.  As we talked I was struck by how many people I have met through my trips to Haiti.  It's like this whole other part of my life that is distinctly separate from my life in the States.  At least now, though, I have three people from my life in the States who know what I'm talking about when I reference people/places in Haiti: Michaela, Susan, and Rhonda.

I would love it if more of you came for a visit with me!  There is so much to do and see--I think you'd like it! So, if you have an interest in coming on a trip to PAP, let me know.  I will be more than happy to plan it.

I'm enjoying myself up on the roof tonight.  A fine breeze is blowing as another evening storm moves in.  I can hear the thunder, and the lightening is gorgeous.  And here comes the rain!  Time to pack it up because the rain here has been pretty vicious as of late.


  1. I wish I were sitting on the roof with you. I LOVE watching storms come in, and I didn't get to see many when I was in Haiti. I, for one, will be returning to Haiti for a visit with you. I still think we need to get a contingent from RMS to help teach the kids at the orphanage for a week!

    I see why you will miss Oriol. He is SUCH a dear guy. You'll have to encourage him to find ways to check Facebook when you get back!

    Enjoy your last 4 days!!

  2. Hi mom,
    It's Boo. I've been staying with Hunter and we've been having a lot of fun. I know where their yard stops now, so I don't get in trouble at all anymore. I have taught all 4 of them how to play with me and I like it most when Hunter doesn't play with us, cuz she barks a lot and that is not my favorite. I even get to go on short walks around the island with no leash with Aunt Shannon and sometimes Alyssa too. I have been missing you a lot lately and the girls keep saying you will be home soon, but I don't know when soon is. I am going back to grandmas on Tues and will look for you there again. I gotta go for now, but will see you "soon." Love you and have a safe trip home.
