Friday, March 15, 2013

Tour Guide Part Two!

             I have been redeemed as a tour guide!  I took Susan and Rhonda on the same trip that I took my Canadian friends on, and we actually got to every place we intended.  And, we didn’t get lost once.

Tap Tap ride
Boutilye Cafe
Rhonda at Boutilye
Lookout Point View #1
Lookout Point View #3
Lookout Point View #2
            I purchased more stuff at the Apparent Project.  I would like to go there some time and be able to talk with the owners and maybe some of the workers.  The ride up the mountain was very relaxing because this time we had a cooler and could pack drinks and snacks to tide us over.  Again, we had great views on the way up.  Again, we saw lots of Petionville and small towns along the way.  However, the big difference is that we turned right instead of left at the fork in the road.  And that made all the difference!  By going to the right we actually made it to Boutilye which has great views of PAP and the coastline.  We arrived for the great views about five minutes  before the clouds rolled in!  I should also take back making fun of Parka Man last week for wearing a winter coat—it was actually pretty chilly at the lookout spot.  We had some drinks and some snacks.  We then shopped a bit at the roadside vendors.  We did buy some drinks for the trip back (and one for Son, our driver).  What we forgot, though, is that you can’t take bottles with you because they are turned in for the deposit!  So, we were walking back toward our tap tap when we noticed one of the café workers running after us with plastic cups.  We poured one of the drinks into the cup before figuring out that we could swap out the bottles from our drinks on the way up.  Quite the adventure.

            The kids had horse therapy again this morning, but I won’t write much about it because I’ve already written about it so much.  However, it is the best part of my week!  I love watching Paco work with the kids, and I love watching the kids respond to the horses.  Even Cade who continues to scream when on the horse, but it’s never been as bad as the first week.  Every one of the kids is making progress which is so cool to see.  Susan and Rhonda went with, so between the three of us we got lots of great pictures!  There are too many to post here, but if you want to see them, you can check out my Facebook page.

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