Monday, February 18, 2013

Regular Day

Today's routine felt good.  I was able to start with the babies and Phonsley like usual.  Some ladies from another group hadn't seen Phonsley since last summer, and they were amazed at how much progress is he has made since then.  He had done a lot on his own, but he has improved a lot in the last 3 1/2 weeks.  He also just seems happier!

I also worked with the new girl (I still don't know her name--I will find out tomorrow!), and she didn't really know what to do with the toys.  It broke my heart.  I may bring her out with Christine or Christina tomorrow so that she can see how to play.  I do know that she loved the one-on-one attention!

I took part of the afternoon to look for shoes, socks, and pants for the kids who will take part in the horse therapy.  The "Depot" where everything is stored is in dire need of organizing!  I would love to get my hands on a bunch of plastic bins and a label maker so that all the stuff is organized.  Or, we need to invite the TLC program crew for the show about hoarders to come and do a show here.  Gertrude needs help!  She is so afraid to throw anything out because you never know whether you will have enough when you live in Haiti.

I did find shows and socks for three of the kids.  Cade absolutely loved his new socks and shoes.  He ran around shouting, smiling, and screaming in happiness.  I couldn't help but smile.  Jean-Daniel was just as happy with his new shoes/socks, he just isn't as verbal about his excitement.  He kept crouching down to touch his shoes and then smiling.

Tonight Dixie (Wolton and Mimose's adoptive mom) and her friends are making sno-cones for the kids.  They were going to make popcorn as well, but they decided to just do one treat.  I said that I would do the popcorn some other time.  Maybe some Friday night we can have a dance party or something.  Tomorrow morning we'll do sno-cones for the handicapped kids before school.

You know, it was a good day.  Low key.  Calm.  Routine.  It felt good after a busy weekend and a week of having all the kids around.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an all-around good day! Hey, can Rhonda and I help make popcorn when we come? I think I remember you saying that we should bring vegetable oil. Is that right? Rhonda and I packed 2 suitcases today with dresses and shorts, hygiene packs, craft things and books. We felt good about getting that done. Now, only 4 more to go!

    Hope tomorrow is a good day as well....
