Saturday, February 2, 2013

       I can't believe that I've been here for 10 days now!  The time truly has gone by quickly.  The week-day routines are pretty set, but I'm still working on the weekend one.  With all the kids around, it's hard to find space to work with the special-needs kids, and the able-bodied kids are always asking me to play.  I've learned to say that I'm working ("M'ap travey") or I am busy ("Mwen okipe").  That seems to help.

     The beach trip was postponed until tomorrow because of the number of people who arrived last night.  Most of them were just at Gertrude's for the day before heading on to their final destination, but it was chaos last night and this morning!  I shared my room last night with my friend Rachel and her 3-month old baby (who cried for five hours straight).  The good thing about having roomies (especially a little one that is hot, tired, and wailing) is that I discovered that the air conditioner in my room works!  I'm going to save it for the REALLY hot nights, not just the normal hot nights.  

     The pictures are from our Carnivale celebration last night.  The kids loved it!  They all love to dance and sing, and the hair paint was a major hit.  A good time was had by all.

Gertrude dancing with Forlan
Pastor John from MO
Wolton, an old soul in a young body

Debbie, from MO, dancing with Michael

Jude loves music!  He's our little Stevie Wonder

Angela helping Jean-Daniel eat his popcorn.


  1. Hey Mom. This is Boo; you know ‘your dog’ that you left in Wisconsin. Well, let me tell you, if I knew it was going to be this cold I would have gone with you. Why didn’t you tell me how cold it is here in Wisconsin? It was 9 degrees for the high today. You should have known since you grew up here. Grandma tells me that it is 80 degrees during the day where you are!
    Staying with grandpa and grandma is okay but I sure do miss you. The first few days were sad but I am adjusting – so are grandpa and grandma. I do miss the fence around our back yard. They tie me to this long rope and then I get tangled in all of the bushes. Grandma always comes out and helps me. They had to shorten the rope a little because I kept getting in the garden and of course on those days it was muddy from all of the rain. (Cold Rain)
    I think I have grandma fooled because she now lets me out without the rope. By the way, we have had about 8 inches of new snow. Grandpa goes out with me and he chases me. I love to stick my nose in the snow and then I run away. He never catches me. Grandpa lets me go out with him when he is snow blowing the driveway. What a hoot. That machine sure makes a lot of noise.
    Yesterday, these men came and cleaned the carpets in the kitchen, dining room and living room. That meant that grandma and I spent the day in the library and g & g’s bedroom. There was furniture all over the place but my bed was there and my food and water so it was okay. Of course, grandma was there also.
    Speaking of food, they don’t sell my kind of dog food at the pet store here in Whitewater so I guess g & g will go to Janesville soon and see if they sell it there at one of these big pet stores, like the one we go to at home.
    I got in a little bit of trouble this afternoon. Grandpa and grandma had to go to Milton for a little while and I got into the waste basket in the library. I just couldn’t help it. They had left a candy bar wrapper in there and a stick from an ice cream bar. They shouldn’t have done that. I have to admit I also slept on their bed. They don’t let me sleep with them but I can sleep on the bed in the blue bedroom.
    Tonight they had pizza downstairs – they ate at the coffee table as they watched television. I didn’t even get a piece. I made them feel bad, though, because I just stared at them and even drooled a little. Didn’t work. I went upstairs and ate my dog food.
    That’s all for now. I miss you but am having fun in Wisconsin.
    Love, Boo

  2. Wow! Boo is quite the writer! I am going to have to coach Nelle on her ABC's so she can send a letter to you, too!
