Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Au Revoir, Mes Cheres

I wrote the following last night, but the Internet wasn't working, so I was unable to post it.   

Today has been a series of saying good-bye to the Ws—Wilson, Wilburson, and Wildania.  Their adoptive parents were out and about today tracking down the last of the needed documents before leaving tomorrow.  At the end of the school day the teachers had a wonderful good-bye for the boys.  I cried.  Each of the nannies said something to the kids.  Then, when the school-aged kids arrived home, the whole group had another big send off!  Many songs were sung—Jameson and Edson did a duet.  They have amazing voices!  I think every song that is taught to pre-K and kindergarten students to learn the basics (days of the week, months of the year, etc.) was sung.  Beautiful!  Then came the cookies.  Or, the cookie bits!  These were the early cookies that stuck to the pans because we forgot to put wax paper down first.  Oh, well.  The kids didn’t mind!  After the songs came musical chairs.  Then it was time for kids to work on their homework.
            The sense around the orphanage is bittersweet.  Everyone is thrilled that the kids are going home with their parents after a three-year long process.  But, the staff are also sad because they are sending off children that they have raised for the last 4 ½ years.   I can’t even begin to imagine what that must feel like.  Right now, Gertrude has Wildania on her lap to do her hair before leaving in the morning.  Two of the nannies and Rosie, Gertrude’s daughter, are standing by offering their advice!  Gertrude’s friend Denise is helping as well.  Wildania will be the best looking little girl on the plane tomorrow!
            Please pray for Bonnie, Steve, Wilson, Wilburson, and Wildania as they travel home tomorrow and Wednesday (Colorado is the final destination).  Please pray for them as they become a family (Bonnie and Steve already have two grown birth children and two adopted daughters). 
            Please pray for Gertrude.  Prayers have been answered because the Ws are going home.  But, Gertrude will need strength as she grieves the loss of these three precious kids.  Like I said before, it is a day filled with bitter sweetness.  

1 comment:

  1. So sad & wonderful!! Who is running the joint now that Wildania has moved on?

