Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thank God for the Little Things!


This was originally posted on November 5, 2011.

I'm thinking specifically of my small bladder. Yes, that's right . . . a small bladder. For the first time in my life, a small bladder was an asset. I had to leave the dinner area to search for a bathroom, and I saw a secret service agent coming from the kitchen area. Then came President Carter and Roselyn Carter. The agent stopped next to me and said, "How are you doing?"

"Fine," I answered.

We continued on to the bank of elevators where local authorities had secured an elevator for the president and his contingency. I stood in front of the elevators while President Carter walked by. I was just 3 feet from him!

I wanted to say, "Hey, nice to meet you.". I didn't, though. I just watched. Then he got into the elevator and left. But, I saw a president. Talk about cool.

Listening to the speakers tonight has energized me, humbled me, and inspired me. I did learn that I will be building houses 613 and 614. I will be one of 8 people working on those houses, which means 4 people per house. Hard to comprehend how 4 people can build house in 5 days.

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