Sunday, November 25, 2012

Original post date was November 20, 2012.
Good evening! We've had another good dinner and are now sitting down to share the events of the day with you all. In many ways it was a slow day. We hung around the orphanage playing with the kids and spending time with them. Michaela and I planned to go out into the neighborhood to deliver some hygiene packets around 10:30 this morning, but Gertrude asked us to wait until Brilner (one of the workers) could go with us this afternoon. I don't know what happened, but we never went out. So, we'll try to do that tomorrow. There are lots of protests in other parts of town and on main streets, so that might have been why she didn't want us to go by ourselves.

I now am the proud owner of a Haitian phone! Don't know what the phone number is, but as soon as I figure it out, I will pass it on. I also need to figure out the instructions because right now they are in French.

There is another new baby here for the time being--Gertrude named her Alicia. She is two years old, best as they can figure. However, she looks as if she is 10 months old. She is severely malnurished and does not interact with any one. She simply sits and tracks where people move. She doesn't cry, doesn't make noises, and doesn't seem to have emotions. Gertrude says that she won't keep Alicia here because she hopes that there is a Haitian family that will take her in. Please pray.

I am constantly shocked by the under development of kids here. And, we know how that plays out later in life in terms of learning and developing. From the get go, so many kids are behind the eight ball and never catch up.

Gertrude and I talked about school plans tonight. We decided to build the school on the land where the old guesthouse stood. She doesn't plan to rebuild a guesthouse there, so we figure might as well put it to good use. She also thinks that it's in a better location for opening the school up to kids outside of the orphanage. I agree. Please pray for some of the next steps: contacting Gladys about designs, creating a 501c charity organization, and putting a five-year plan together!

We have a name for the school: Notre Maison School for Handicapped Children. I know in American the word "handicapped" would be frowned upon, but here that word does not have the same connotation.

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